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Teaching with Heart

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Hi all. From assemblies and application letters, to schemes of work and editable worksheets, I hope you find my resources useful and helpful! Enjoy! :-)




Hi all. From assemblies and application letters, to schemes of work and editable worksheets, I hope you find my resources useful and helpful! Enjoy! :-)
Daily Pupil Wellbeing Sessions (Pack 1)

Daily Pupil Wellbeing Sessions (Pack 1)

This pack of 5 ‘Daily Wellbeing Sessions’ will play an integral role in providing a dedicated daily SEMH session that develops pupils’ social, emotional and mental health. Schools have an important part to play in the support system of all those in their care, and particularly in the promotion of mental well-being. Their efforts to promote the physical and mental health of the student population can positively reinforce pupils’ attainment and achievement, improving their well-being and enabling them to thrive and achieve their full potential. The sessions can be embedded within Morning Registration, PSHE lessons, Form Time or at the end of the school day. The purpose is simple, yet unquestionably important: to provide further opportunities to develop and improve pupils’ self-esteem and wellbeing. Through the use of inspirational quotes and thought-provoking multi-media creations, candid and positive discussions can take place with pupils using these Daily Wellbeing Sessions. Enjoy! :-) I do not own the rights to any of the images or videos used as part of this resource pack. All rights are reserved for the original authors.
Kindness Assembly

Kindness Assembly

An assembly all about the impact that random acts of kindness can have. It explores why we need to be kind to each other, the effect small acts can have on our family, friends and the wider communities and in turn our own wellbeing. The assembly lasts between 15 - 20 minutes, including a short clip from YouTube. The assembly is very easy to follow and is also editable. Enjoy! :-) I do not own any of the images or videos used as part of this assembly. All rights are reserved for the original authors.
New Year's Resolutions Assembly

New Year's Resolutions Assembly

An assembly all about New Year’s Resolutions and how the turn of a new year is celebrated all across the globe. The assembly lasts between 15 - 20 minutes, including a short clip from YouTube and role play scenarios for the pupils to enjoy or participate in! The assembly is very easy to follow and is also editable. Enjoy! :-)
Equality & Cultural Diversity Audit

Equality & Cultural Diversity Audit

Help instil a cross-curricular sense of inclusivity, and question and adapt what you’re teaching so your curriculum represents the diversity seen in modern Britain in terms of gender and sexuality. If you want to change your pupils’ understanding and attitudes around gender, race, disability religion, LGBTQ+ inclusivity, you’ll need to make changes across your whole curriculum. Keeping topics about gender and sexuality confined to a small number of PSHE or RSE lessons is unlikely to have any significant effect. Use this Equality and Diversity curriculum audit tool to help you and your colleagues think about how you can embed these topics across all areas of learning.
Prefect System Bundle Pack

Prefect System Bundle Pack

Formal pupil leadership provides important benefits for both the pupil and the school. Prefects have the potential to influence the school environment and the behaviour of their fellow pupils by becoming advocates for positive change in the school community. It has been proven that when children actively participate in leadership in school life, and their ideas and opinions are listened to and valued, they feel respected and encouraged to make further contributions. The benefits to the school and the pupils include: Developed communication and interpersonal skills Improved academic performance for students involved Greater commitment to the school’s ethos from the wider student body Positive influences on the atmosphere and culture of the school A strengthened school spirit and sense of comradery Increased co-operation from all pupils A network of support for the pupil body. Included within the pack is everything you could possibly need to set up a Prefect System in your school. The bundle includes: Rationale Policy Code of Conduct Role Description Application Form Contract Reward System Overview Club Week Proposal Form Fundraiser Letter Reward Cards Assembly PowerPoint All resources are editable and easy to amend for your school setting. Check at our school website for more information: https://pottonmiddle.co.uk/school/key-stage-3-potton-prefects/
Perseverance Assembly

Perseverance Assembly

Perseverance is a quality that we try and instil in all of our pupils in relation to way that pupils approach their learning and how they navigate their social interactions beyond the classroom. This assembly provides an excellent opportunity to present pupils with challenges and encourage perseverance. It also highlights the importance that we focus on moral perseverance: following the good path in the face of challenges. This assembly uses pencils to convey how something seemingly boring and insignificant can in fact be quite incredible if you think outside the box and have patience. It focuses on Dalton Ghetti’s carvings made of pencils and includes the parable about the Pencil maker to illustrate to pupils how to succeed in school.
Online Safety Assembly

Online Safety Assembly

An assembly all about online safety, facilitating important discussions around social networking, cyber-bulying and blocking as a reuslt of negative messages or unknown followers. Included within the assembly are scenarios pupils are encouraged to consider and respond to, as well as some helpful ‘Top Tips’ to take away from the assembly. The assembly is very easy to follow and is also editable. Enjoy! :-)
Staff Wellbeing Teacher Toolkit

Staff Wellbeing Teacher Toolkit

Schools have an important part to play in the support system of all those in their care, and particularly in the promotion of mental well-being. Their efforts to promote the physical and mental health of the student population can positively reinforce pupils’ attainment and achievement, improving their well-being and enabling them to thrive and achieve their full potential. The focus on children’s mental health, though, serves as an important reminder to us that we must couple support for staff well-being with the same ambitions we have for our pupils. If we don’t, we will be letting down both cohorts. This ‘Staff Wellbeing & Teaching Toolkit’ provides staff with a plethora (four pages!) of online resources that support their wellbeing and work-life balance, as well as other superb online platforms that add value to pupils’ SEMH.
Daily Pupil Wellbeing Sessions (Pack 2)

Daily Pupil Wellbeing Sessions (Pack 2)

This pack of 5 ‘Daily Wellbeing Sessions’ will play an integral role in providing a dedicated daily SEMH session that develops pupils’ social, emotional and mental health. Schools have an important part to play in the support system of all those in their care, and particularly in the promotion of mental well-being. Their efforts to promote the physical and mental health of the student population can positively reinforce pupils’ attainment and achievement, improving their well-being and enabling them to thrive and achieve their full potential. The sessions can be embedded within Morning Registration, PSHE lessons, Form Time or at the end of the school day. The purpose is simple, yet unquestionably important: to provide further opportunities to develop and improve pupils’ self-esteem and wellbeing. Through the use of inspirational quotes and thought-provoking multi-media creations, candid and positive discussions can take place with pupils using these Daily Wellbeing Sessions. Enjoy! :-) I do not own the rights to any of the images or videos used as part of this resource pack. All rights are reserved for the original authors.
Daily Pupil Wellbeing Sessions (Pack 3)

Daily Pupil Wellbeing Sessions (Pack 3)

This pack of 5 ‘Daily Wellbeing Sessions’ will play an integral role in providing a dedicated daily SEMH session that develops pupils’ social, emotional and mental health. Schools have an important part to play in the support system of all those in their care, and particularly in the promotion of mental well-being. Their efforts to promote the physical and mental health of the student population can positively reinforce pupils’ attainment and achievement, improving their well-being and enabling them to thrive and achieve their full potential. The sessions can be embedded within Morning Registration, PSHE lessons, Form Time or at the end of the school day. The purpose is simple, yet unquestionably important: to provide further opportunities to develop and improve pupils’ self-esteem and wellbeing. Through the use of inspirational quotes and thought-provoking multi-media creations, candid and positive discussions can take place with pupils using these Daily Wellbeing Sessions. Enjoy! :-) I do not own the rights to any of the images or videos used as part of this resource pack. All rights are reserved for the original authors.
Mental Health & Wellbeing Audit

Mental Health & Wellbeing Audit

Schools have an important part to play in the support system of all those in their care, and particularly in the promotion of mental well-being. Their efforts to promote the physical and mental health of the student population can positively reinforce pupils’ attainment and achievement, improving their well-being and enabling them to thrive and achieve their full potential. The focus on children’s mental health, though, serves as an important reminder to us that we must couple support for staff well-being with the same ambitions we have for our pupils. If we don’t, we will be letting down both cohorts. Are you currently hitting the mark? Use this audit tool to assess the quality of your current policies and processes for supporting staff and pupil mental health and wellbeing.
Christmas Traditions Assembly

Christmas Traditions Assembly

An assembly all about the Christmas Traditions and why we decorate Christmas trees. The assembly also explores the Doorstep Challenge in which pupils are encouraged to consider the impact that random acts of kindness can have. It explores why we need to be kind to each other, the effect small acts can have on our family, friends and others during the festive period. The assembly is very easy to follow and is also editable so you can include images of your staff Christmas trees! Enjoy! :-)
Online Safety & Emojis Assembly

Online Safety & Emojis Assembly

Communication in the present age goes far beyond typing long text messages. Who knew that one could have a meaningful conversation without any words? A glance at social media feeds or the text messages on chat groups show a number of smiley faces, flying hearts, hugs, laugh out loud. These little naughty digital faces have become popular and inseparable part of our daily communication. They come to our rescue when words fall short; through irony or humour they help in conveying our emotions in a unique way. Since it’s the 21st century and all, there are countless emoji at our fingertips to mark this time of year. This assembly is all about the history of emoji’s and the power they hold to help us better communicate in the 21st Century online world. Admittingly, many of us - children and adults alike - have grown to rely upon social media and messaging platforms to communicate with others. This assembly equips pupils with the tools to better manage their online communications, how best to use emojis in a safe and control manner, and notice moments when it is probably wise to just talk to someone in person! The assembly lasts between 15 - 20 minutes, including a short ‘Guess the Movie’ game towards the end. The assembly is very easy to follow and is also editable. Enjoy! :-)